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How can you master the skill set of Communication? Watch this video – The 6 Principles of Mastery Part 3 – Kinesthetic Enhancing Your Verbal, Non-Verbal & Leadership Communication Skills #leadershipcommunication #communicationconfidence #communication #softskills #transformation

How can you master the skill set of Communication? Watch this video – The 6 Principles of Mastery Part 2 – Visual Enhancing Your Verbal, Non-Verbal & Leadership Communication Skills #leadershipcommunication #communicationconfidence #communication #softskills #transformation

How can you master the skill set of Communication? Watch this video – The 6 Principles of Mastery Part 1 – Audio Enhancing Your Verbal, Non-Verbal & Leadership Communication Skills #leadershipcommunication #communicationconfidence #communication #softskills #transformation

The 9 Types of Non-Verbal Communication – Facial Expressions

Non-Verbal Communication – The Overview to learn about the 9 types you use every day.  Watch the video.

  Click here to downlad the MP3 audio to this Podcast.  Right-click the choose “Save audio as…” or “Save link as…” to save to your computer.

The 5 Senses of the Body has a lot to do with your Communication Confidence, Leadership Confidence, and Body Language Communication Confidence.  Watch the video to see what your “Hear” has to do with anything. Remember, there is a “duality” in the information we teach! Enjoy the video!

The 5 Senses of the Body has a lot to do with your Communication Confidence, Leadership Confidence, and Body Language Communication Confidence.  Watch the video to see what your “Touch” has to do with anything. Remember, there is a “duality” in the information we teach! Enjoy the video!

The 5 Senses of the Body has a lot to do with your Communication Confidence, Leadership Confidence, and Body Language Communication Confidence.  Watch the video to see what your “Sight” has to do with anything. Remember, there is a “duality” in the information we teach! Enjoy the video!